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  • MIT News | October 16, 2015

    To capture a wave

    Themistoklis Sapsis seeks to understand, predict, and optimize complex engineering and environmental systems under extreme uncertainty.
  • MIT Sea Grant | October 15, 2015

    Artificial whisker reveals source of harbor seal’s uncanny prey-sensing ability

    Study finds a whisker’s “slaloming” motion helps seals track and chase prey.
  • WHOI - Oceanus | October 15, 2015


    Exploring the secret life of endangered leatherback turtles
  • WHOI News | October 12, 2015

    New Study Projects That Melting of Antarctic Ice Shelves Will Intensify

    New research projects a doubling of surface melting of Antarctic ice shelves by 2050 and by 2100 may surpass intensities associated with ice shelf collapse, if greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel consumption continues at the present rate.
  • Featured Stories | October 11, 2015

    The 2015 PAOC Retreat at Jiminy Peak

    This year’s PAOC retreat in the beautiful Adirondack Mountains surrounding Jiminy Peak Resort gave attendees wonderful opportunities to befriend new colleagues, learn about new research, and enjoy time away from bustling Boston. Related topics | A Warming World
  • WHOI - Oceanus | October 6, 2015

    Tracking a Trail of Carbon

    Leaf waxes buried in Lake Titicaca holds clues to once and future climates
  • MIT, MIT EAPS | October 5, 2015

    Microbe Sleuth

    Tanja Bosak examines how life and the Earth evolved in tandem during their early history together.
  • Featured Stories | October 1, 2015

    Will Boston Sink or Swim?

    MIT faculty, students, and members of the general public gathered at the historic Boston Athenaeum to discuss the social, economic, and environmental impacts of climate change on New England. Related topics | Sea Level | Ocean Engineering| Oceans and Climate
  • WHOI News | September 30, 2015

    Gulf Stream Ring Water Intrudes onto Continental Shelf Like “Pinocchio’s Nose”

    Ocean robots installed off the coast of Massachusetts have helped scientists understand a previously unknown process by which warm Gulf Stream water and colder waters of the continental shelf exchange.
  • MIT, MIT EAPS | September 29, 2015

    Wet World

    Taylor Perron talks to the Boston Globe about the new findings from NASA indicating that Mars may not be the arid planet it was once thought to be.
  • WHOI News | September 28, 2015

    Novel Tag Developed for Squid, Jellyfish

    A new data-logging tag developed specifically for small and delicate invertebrates not only quantifies ocean conditions but also measures animals’ responses to their physical environments in high resolution.
  • WHOI News | September 28, 2015

    King Crabs Threaten Antarctic Ecosystem Due to Warming Ocean

    King crabs may soon become high-level predators in Antarctic marine ecosystems where they haven't played a role in tens of millions of years, according to a new study.
  • WHOI News | September 24, 2015

    Marine Archaeologists Excavate Greek Antikythera Shipwreck

    Archaeologists excavating the famous ancient Greek shipwreck that yielded the Antikythera mechanism have recovered more than 50 items.
  • WHOI News | September 24, 2015

    WHOI Takes Delivery of New Research Vessel Neil Armstrong

    The nation's newest research vessel, the Neil Armstrong, was officially turned over by the U.S. Navy on September 23 to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI).
  • Featured Stories | September 22, 2015

    Oceans at MIT Summer Roundup 2015

    As summer ends, check out the Oceans at MIT stories you may have missed while on vacation
  • MIT, MIT EAPS | September 21, 2015

    The Riddle of Rip Tides

    MIT-WHOI Joint Program student Melissa Moulton is investigating why, where, and how these dire beach hazards form.
  • MITgcm News | September 18, 2015

    The Trouble With Sea-Ice

    This month we spotlight work by a team from McGill University who have been using MITgcm to model oil spill scenarios around the Arctic Ocean Basin to better understand spill behavior in the presence of sea-ice.
  • Featured Stories | September 18, 2015

    New Students Discover EAPS through Extreme Weather and Climate

    Before the new semester began, incoming freshmen joined EAPS for a 5-day exploration of extreme weather and climate. Related topics | Outreach
  • WHOI - Oceanus | September 3, 2015

    The Man Who Opened Our Ears to the Ocean

    Historic archive of marine mammal recordings established
  • WHOI News | September 1, 2015

    Climate Change Will Irreversibly Force Key Ocean Bacteria into Overdrive

    Scientists demonstrate that a key organism in the ocean’s food web will start reproducing at high speed as carbon dioxide levels rise, with no way to stop when nutrients become scarce.
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