
Undergraduate Study

Pursue Undergraduate Study of the Oceans

Oceans are central to many of the important challenges of our time. Monitoring and maintaining our environment, for example. Understanding variations in the global climate. Predicting the likely impacts of anthropogenic influences on the climate system. Figuring how to utilize the ocean as a resource without diminishing it. Devising engineering strategies to observe and model the ocean and its ice fields. Designing structures that can withstand deployment at sea. The list goes on.

Many departments at MIT offer major and minor programs with a significant focus on atmospheres and oceans, both in their physical, chemical, and biological aspects and in associated engineering and computational fields.

Given the multidisciplinary nature of ocean science and engineering, we encourage undergraduates to explore a variety of areas of study and research, taking advantage of the many relevant courses around MIT, as well as to become directly involved in research through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP).

Undergraduates may also pursue summer opportunities at our partner institution Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI).