
All News

  • Featured Stories, News, WHOI - Oceanus | December 12, 2017

    Diving for Data

    Ocean Gliders and Their Pilots Are Helping Scientists Understand the Sea
  • News, WHOI - Oceanus | December 12, 2017

    A Pioneering Vision

    Special Series : Ocean Observatories Initiative
  • News, WHOI - Oceanus | December 12, 2017

    Thinking Global

  • Featured Stories, News, WHOI - Oceanus | December 12, 2017

    The Young Woman and the Sea

    A conversation with WHOI mooring technician Meghan Donohue
  • Featured Stories, MIT, MIT News, News | December 8, 2017

    Researchers Establish Long-sought Source of Ocean Methane

    An abundant enzyme in marine microbes may be responsible for production of the greenhouse gas.
  • Featured Stories, News, WHOI News | December 6, 2017

    WHOI Ship Atlantis Launches New Mission to Find Missing Argentinian Submarine

    Research vessel loads Navy deep-diving vehicle
  • Featured Stories, MIT, News | December 4, 2017

    Alumnus Uses Unique Sonar to Reveal Underwater Mysteries

    Profile of Alum Martin Klein ’62
  • MIT Sea Grant, News | November 21, 2017

    Now accepting applications for 2019 Sea Grant Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship

    The Sea Grant Knauss Fellowship provides a unique educational experience to graduate students who have an interest in ocean, coastal and Great Lakes resources and in the national policy decisions affecting those resources. Prospective students must submit the application to the Sea Grant Director in his/her state by is Friday, February 23, 2018.
  • MIT Sea Grant, News | November 20, 2017

    Funding Opportunity: Small Business Innovation Research grants for aquaculture

    The NOAA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project portal is now open and seeking proposals from small businesses. The deadline for proposals is January 31, 2018.
  • MIT Sea Grant, News | November 20, 2017

    OPEN FORUM AND DISCUSSION: Offshore Aquaculture and Fisheries, November 30 at 11:30

    The discussion will cover the economy and the engineering challenges for offshore aquaculture and fisheries, including: the development of new technologies and materials, sensors, communication equipment, and autonomous vehicles offers a unique opportunity to take advantage of the enormous exclusive economic zone (EEZ) offshore the United States, to provide nutrition, biofuels, and many other products.
  • MIT Sea Grant, News | November 13, 2017

    2018 NMFS-Sea Grant Fellowship now accepting applications

    Since 1999, Sea Grant and NMFS have partnered to train students through this joint fellowship program in two specialized areas: population and ecosystem dynamics as well as marine resource economics. Population and ecosystem dynamics involve the study of fish populations and marine ecosystems to better assess fishery stock conditions and dynamics.
  • Featured Stories, MIT, News | November 8, 2017

    Research for Global Needs, Present and Future

    New Research Reception gives alumni and the community an inside look at research and initiatives in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
  • Featured Stories, MIT - The Darwin Project, News | November 6, 2017

    What you Can Do With a Really Rather Realistic Ocean Model

    In a new paper from the Darwin Project, MIT researchers report on their work weighing biogeochemical versus ecological consequences of the way in which ocean physics is represented in their general circulation/ biogeochemical hybrid modeling.
  • MIT, MIT Sea Grant, News, WHOI | October 31, 2017

    MIT Sea Grant Ocean Acidification Seminar Tuesday November 28th at 12:30

    Please join us Tuesday November 28th at MIT Sea Grant for presentations by six MIT Sea Grant funded researchers on their ocean acidification projects.
  • MIT Sea Grant, News | October 31, 2017

    New England Coastal Ecology 2018 IAP course

    Combining lectures and visits to field and research centers, participants will be introduced to marine communities found along the coast of New England. Emphasis will be on the ecology of salt marshes and rocky shores and the plants and animals living there; the ecological services these communities provide us, and some likely impacts of current and future climate change.
  • Featured Stories, News, WHOI News | October 31, 2017

    Bay State Aquaculture Projects Get Green Light from National Sea Grant Program

    Two new grants to the Woods Hole Sea Grant program totaling more than $650,000 will support research aimed at expanding aquaculture production in Massachusetts. The projects won funding as part of a national strategic investment in aquaculture by the NOAA Sea Grant Program.
  • Featured Stories, MIT Sea Grant, News | October 30, 2017

    MIT Sea Grant funds aquaculture technology project

    MIT Sea Grant is excited to announce the funding an aquaculture technology development project, "Real-time detection of Vibrio for oyster aquaculture," one of the 32 research grants NOAA has announced today, totaling $9.3 million for projects around the country to further develop the nation’s marine and coastal aquaculture industry.
  • MIT, News, WHOI News | October 30, 2017

    Radioactivity lingers from 1946-1958 nuclear bomb tests

    Scientists have found lingering radioactivity in the lagoons of remote Marshall Island atolls in the Pacific Ocean where the United States conducted 66 nuclear weapons tests in the 1940s and 1950s.
  • Featured Stories, MIT News, News | October 26, 2017

    Ocean sound waves may reveal location of incoming objects

    New acoustic analysis could pinpoint impacts by meteorites or possibly plane debris.
  • Featured Stories, MIT, News | October 24, 2017

    Studying the Humble Clam Leads to Environmental Work

    Profile of MIT alum Joan V. Ruderman, PhD ’74
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