Tanja Bosak
Assistant Professor of Geobiology Home Phone: (617) 324-3959 Personal Email: Interest Areas: microbiology, geology Website WebsiteCo-evolution of life and the environment on early Earth; study of the microfossil record associated with major climatic and geochemical oscillations in the Neoproterozoic.
Ed Boyle
Professor of Ocean Geochemistry; Director of WHOI-MIT Joint Program Home Phone: 617-253-2288 Personal Email: Interest Areas: chemical oceanography, biogeochemistry Website WebsiteMarine chemistry: distribution of trace elements in the ocean and their use as paleochemical tracers; response of the ocean to anthropogenic lead emissions; relation between dust, iron in the ocean, and marine biological activity.
Sallie (Penny) W. Chisholm
Professor of Environmental Studies; Professor of Biology Home Phone: (617) 253-1771 Personal Email: Interest Areas: biological oceanography, microbial ecology Website WebsiteMicrobial oceanography: the role of marine phytoplankton in the ocean’s “metabolism”; the cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus as a model to study marine ecology from the genome level to the whole ocean.
Stephanie Dutkiewicz
Principal Research Scientist Home Phone: (617) 253-2454 Personal Email: Interest Areas: Biogeochemistry Website WebsiteBiogeochemical cycles
Raffaele Ferrari
Breene M. Kerr Professor of Oceanography Home Phone: (617) 253-1291 Personal Email: raffaele@MIT.EDU Interest Areas: physical oceanography, paleoclimate, biological oceanography Website WebsiteOcean circulation: dynamics of the ocean and climate, atmospheric and oceanic turbulence, air-sea interactions, the energetics of the ocean circulation, the impact of ocean physics on biology, and paleoclimate.
Glenn Flierl
Professor of Oceanography Home Phone: (617) 253-4692 Personal Email: Interest Areas: physical oceanography, eddies Website WebsiteOceanic eddies and their impacts upon the distribution of tracers and on the biology of the sea.
Mick Follows
Associate Professor Home Phone: (617) 253-5939 Personal Email: Interest Areas: biogeochemistry, ocean circulation Website WebsiteModels of interactions of ocean circulation, biogeochemical cycles and marine ecosystems.
Philip M. Gschwend
Ford Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Home Phone: (617) 253-1638 Personal Email: Interest Areas: environmental organic chemistry Website WebsiteEnvironmental organic chemistry: phase exchanges and transformation processes; the modeling of fates of organic pollutants; the roles of colloids and black carbons; and passive sampling for site evaluation.
Harry F. Hemond
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Home Phone: (617) 253-1637 Personal Email: Interest Areas: biogeochemistry, renewable energy Website WebsiteEarth’s biochemical cycles and development of novel observational systems to study those cycles; methods to interact sustainably with the natural environment.
Pierre Lermusiaux
Associate Professor in Ocean Utilization Home Phone: (617) 324-5172 Personal Email: Interest Areas: modeling systems, ocean dynamics Website WebsiteOcean modeling and data assimilation techniques to quantify regional ocean dynamics on multiple scales; new methods for multiscale modeling, uncertainty quantification, data assimilation and the guidance of autonomous vehicles.
Heidi Nepf
Professor, Margaret MacVicar Fellow in Civil and Environmental Engineering Home Phone: (617) 253-8622 Personal Email: Interest Areas: fluid mechanics, ecology Website WebsitePhysical mechanisms which affect the transport and fate of contaminants and nutrients in surface water systems; wetland hydrodynamics, vegetated flow dynamics, and lake physics.
Shuhei Ono
Assistant Professor of Earth Sciences Home Phone: (617) 253-0474 Personal Email: Interest Areas: microbial oceanography, ecology Website WebsiteInterplay among atmosphere, rock, water and microbes; the photochemical sulfur isotope effect, early microbial evolution, deep biosphere, and seafloor hydrothermal deposits.
Martin Polz
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Home Phone: (617) 253-7128 Personal Email: Interest Areas: environmental microbiology, microbial ecology Website WebsiteExploration of structure-function relationships in microbial communities using quantitative molecular approaches, genomics, physiology, and modeling.
Paola Rizzoli
Professor of Physical Oceanography Home Phone: (617) 253-2451 Personal Email: Interest Areas: general circulation, climate modeling Website WebsiteClimate; general ocean circulation and ecosystem models developed through mathematical numerical models.
Daniel Rothman
Professor of Geophysics Home Phone: (617) 253-7861 Personal Email: Interest Areas: theoretical geophysics, biogeochemistry and paleobiology Website WebsiteDynamical organization of the natural environment through investigation of the cooperative phenomena underlying common yet poorly understood observations. Work combines theory, field observations, and experiments to study problems including the carbon cycle and climate, the co-evolution of life and the environment, and the dynamics of fluids, rocks, and sand.
Roman Stocker
Associate Professor Home Phone: (617) 253-3726 Personal Email: Interest Areas: physical ecology, environmental microfluidics Website WebsitePhysical ecology of microorganisms; microscale transport phenomena; microfluidic experiments to understand how physical forces and chemical signals shape the behavior of marine microorganisms.
Roger Summons
Professor of Geobiology Home Phone: (617) 452-2791 Personal Email: Interest Areas: geobiology, biogeochemistry Website WebsiteBiogeochemistry and geobiology: lipid chemistry of geologically significant microbes and microbial ecosystems; organic and isotopic indicators of climate change; evolution and mass extinction; biomarkers in sediments and petroleum; and biogeochemical fossils.
Janelle R. Thompson
Assistant Professor in Ocean Utilization Home Phone: (617) 324.5268 Personal Email: Interest Areas: microbial ecology, microbial oceanography Website WebsiteMicrobial oceanography: study of the relationship between the structure of microbial communities and their function using molecular biology, genomics, and genetics.