Arthur B. Baggeroer
Professor of Mechanical, Ocean and Electrical Engineering, Ford Professor of Engineering, Emeritus Home Phone: (617) 253-4336 Personal Email: Interest Areas: acoustics, sensing Website WebsiteOcean acoustics, sonar array processing, acoustic telemetry of the ocean and matched field array processing.
Patrick Heimbach
Principal Research Scientist Home Phone: (617) 253-5259 Personal Email: Interest Areas: ocean and ice, inverse methods Website WebsiteOcean circulation and its role in the global climate system; the dynamics of sea ice, ice sheets, and glaciers.
Nicolas Makris
Professor of Mechanical and Ocean Engineering Home Phone: (617) 258-6104 Personal Email: Interest Areas: engineering, remote sensing Website WebsiteOcean exploration, remote sensing of marine life and geophysical phenomena, census of marine life, ocean acoustics, and hurricane classification.
John Marshall
Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Oceanography Home Phone: (617) 253-9615 Personal Email: Interest Areas: oceanography, climate dynamics Website WebsiteClimate and the general circulation of the atmosphere and oceans; development of mathematical and numerical models of key physical and biogeochemical processes, oceans and climate, and paleoclimate.